Hardcover, 7.5 x 10.25", 344 pages, over 80 line drawings
ISBN 1-890029-44-0
A comprehensive clinical reference that ...
• Skillfully integrates essential oil therapy with the practice of Chinese medicine
• Explores the potent energetic synergy of essential oils and the acupuncture
point-channel system
• Presents the specific, detailed functions and indications of over 80 essential oils
• For each oil, describes the indicated Chinese medicine patterns, acupuncture
points, and complementary oils for clinical practice
“Peter Holmes has masterfully crafted a book that is sure to be on the shelf of every serious practitioner. Exploring the use of both fragrance and herbal constituents in historical Chinese medicine, he makes a compelling case for incorporating contemporary essential oils as an important adjunct to traditional treatment methods – and in a manner that will deepen and strengthen results for long lasting health. My patients who have received acupuncture treatments for decades report a profound experience when incorporating essential oils through the methods that Channeling Fragrance describes. No other book provides such a detailed exploration of the medicinal energetics of essential oils, demonstrating their functions and corresponding treatment approaches, using the numerous traditions of Chinese Medicine.”
– Tracy Soltesz DAc, LAc, Member at Large, The Dr. Leon Hammer Legacy Foundation
“Channeling Fragrance is at once both an informative practical medical textbook and a wonderful exploratory adventure. It creates the foundation for a quantum leap in the therapeutic use of essential oils ... a bold and original work that creates a challenging fusion of essential oil medicine with a comprehensive energetic medical model, Chinese medicine. In this text Peter Holmes makes another creative transformational fusion of worlds that unites the functional characteristics of essential oil fragrance with the energetic Chinese medical model. Developing new theoretical and practical frame-works for the essential oil modality is a very courageous and dedicated phenomenon, unique in the field. Channeling Fragrance represents a landmark achievement for all those working with aromatic therapies.”
– Randall Barolet, co-author, Chinese Herbal Medicine – Formulas and Strategies
“Channeling Fragrance is a long awaited, magnificent, and comprehensive book that incorporates everything students and clinicians need to know to put into practice a broad pharmacopia of essential oils using a Chinese medicine framework. In this a beautifully-written textbook, Peter Holmes combines decades of knowledge and clinical expertise in Chinese medicine and essential oil therapy. Magnificent, comprehensive, this is the essential oil textbook that Chinese medicine clinicians and educators alike have been waiting for!”
– Melanie A. Gold DO, DMQ, DABMA, Special Lecturer in Pediatrics and in Population and Family Health, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York
From the Foreword:
“Peter Holmes’ exploration of essential oils ... is presented as a modality wholly consistent with [the] innate Chinese medical worldview. The inclusion of essential oils in the Chinese medicine framework is exciting and fruitful. In this text, Peter Holmes presents his valuable overarching framework of the Six Conditions for creating essential oil remedies to address the nervous system and the Shen ... In my clinical experience, the import of this cannot be overstated. I hope you will spend some time studying this valuable text and seeing for yourself how, by enhancing the health and well-being of your patients, essential oils can greatly contribute to your clinical practice.”
– Ross Rosen LAc, Dipl. OM, author, Heart Shock
“Peter Holmes has written a remarkable book that arrives on the stage of natural medicine at just the right time! Channeling Fragrance expertly weaves together what is arguably the world’s most complete system of holistic therapeutics, Chinese medicine, and the time-honored Western science of essential oil therapy, into a coherent and practical whole. It is a comprehensive synthesis suitable for all health professionals and lay practitioners working in the field of natural medicine. Channeling Fragrance serves as an example of true integration.”
– Heiner Fruehauf PhD, Founding Professor, College of Classical Chinese Medicine, National University of Natural Medicine
“Peter treats us to a sublime tapestry of useful insights gleaned over decades of exploring essential oils by the light of Chinese medicine’s clinical depth. A rarified distillation of clinical wisdom crafted from decades of intimate research and relationship with essential oils, his sound, methodically crafted system is solidly based on observations of the therapeutic functions of the oils in acupuncture practice. Ever the master of lucidly bridging Chinese medicine with the collective world wisdom of botanical medicine, Peter moves us into the future by allowing the use of the oils to grow in the life of a Chinese medicine practitioner.”
– Charles Lev LAc, Faculty Instructor, Oregon Health Science University